In front of us lies a black track through no-man’s-land. Rocky and sandy, finding its way across Iceland with a backdrop of snow peaked mountains. A lonely lake is the ideal place to pitch our tent, if it wasn’t for the stormy wind pulling the pegs out with a force unknown to us. “Hold on to the tent-pole, Ellen!” Elmar rushes outside to pitch the pegs back into the ground. This wind is fierce!
In the morning nothing has changed, the wind is blowing and blowing… and blows us right of our bicycles, even pulling is a tough job. Looking at Elmar just ahead of me makes me smile, I love this! Fighting against the elements surrounded by a beautiful landscape and the sun warming our faces.

Jokulsarlon Glacier
It’s so quiet here; except for the wind! We have seen only one car today while crossing the vast lavafields and green-blue glacier lakes. After one more steep climb we are in front of Landmannalaugar and from here the F208 is only suitable for 4-wheel drive cars and crazy cyclists.

Kjolur Route
“Wait! I want to take a picture!” “Hurry up then, it’s not really a nice temperature.. It’s freezing cold!” My laughing doesn’t last long, once I put one toe in the water… Holy moly, this is cold! Quickly we head to the other side, drying our frozen feet and walk a few meters for the blood to start running through them again. Oh, what a fun we have! The second crossing is still fun, the third a bit less and after more than 20(!!!) crossings it’s not funny anymore. Blue toes, razer sharp stones and the time it takes.. it’s a slow progress. And it’s not just the crossings, after each one is a very steep hill to climb on loose sand and rocks. What a great route to cycle! And the best part is the amazing camp spots, we love it!