About us - Bicycle Junkies Elmar & Ellen

About us


In December 2003. We fell in love and thought bicycle touring would be a good way to travel. Our first trip was all about rain, only 5 degrees celsius, too much weight, not the right gear, flat tires… we loved it! From that moment on we spend every holiday in the saddle and did a lot of bicycle touring around the world.

Live the life you love. Love the life you live. 



Here ‘comes the monkey out of the sleeve’… Forgive us our ‘Dunglish’, we are Dutch and we’ll probably throw in a few Dutch sayings here and there, which make completely no sense! But, feel free to correct us! We listen to ‘Fietsjunks’, ‘Bicycle Junkies’, ‘El & El’ or just ‘Elmar & Ellen’.

Elmar van Drunen

World cyclist & Bicycle Mechanic

Bicycle mechanic at Bike4travel, road biker, model for Ellens pictures and former cook. He admires Ghandi, wants to chop wood in front of his cabin when he grows up and his motto is: “Don’t worry!”

Ellen van Drunen

World cyclist & photographer

Wannabe photographer and travel writer, who is dreaming about their future dog ‘Zoe’ and loves to listen to Eddie Vedder or Pink Floyd. Her motto is: “Live the life you love and love the life you live!”. She admires Steve Jobs, is an Apple lover and an internet addict.


KILOMETERS CYCLED: 135.000 pp (and counting)