Tips & info

Tips and information on bicycle touring around the world.

5 Reasons to go cycling in Argentina

Many times people ask us what our favorite memory of this whole trip is (we’re still on the road!), what was the best place, or what did we like most? There’s no simple answer to that question. Memories of all the people we’ve met, all the places we’ve visited, all the amazing campsites etc. are going around and around in my head and I’m sure things will settle down in my brain someday. To help myself with the chaos in my head and to inspire other cyclists, we’ve decided to write up a few great memories of each country we’ve cycled through so far. A few reasons to visit each of these countries to inspire you! Keep reading to find out what we love about Argentina!

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What tools to bring on a long distance bicycle tour

Tools and spare parts are those things you have to pack, but you hope never to use (unless it’s for regular maintenance). But, cycling in the middle of nowhere we like to be able to fix the most common issues ourselves. With Elmar being a bicycle mechanic, I’m pretty sure this is a fairly complete list. Keep on reading to see our list of tools and spare parts, complete with pictures!

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Let us introduce to you: the Santos Travelmaster 2.9 with Pinion and Gates Belt Drive

This is the moment you’ve all been waiting for! Meet our new buddies for the rest of our bicycle touring adventure: the Santos Travelmaster 2.9 with Pinion and Gates Belt Drive! No, it was definately not time to send the Travel Lites to the bicycle graveyard, they could easily keep going, but these new Pinion babies need a ride on tougher ground. And we have the honor to be one of the first (if not the first) world cyclists to show them around the globe.

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Santos Travel Lite: a world touring bicycle with balls!

The Santos Travel Lite has been our loyal friend since the beginning of our bicycle touring adventure; more than 20.000 kilometers ago. We’ve abused ‘Wilson’ and ‘Storm’ badly! But, the Santos bicycles didn’t even blink! They are strong, stiff and comfortable and MAINTENANCE FREE. Watch this video to see where the Travel Lites have been and what they had to endure.

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A very complete packlist in pictures for long distance bicycle touring around the world. Gear for world cyclists as a starting point for your own packlist.

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