
The places where we have cycled.

A short roadtrip through the National Parks in the great wild West

After being away from friends and family for almost 22 months we are cycling hand in hand towards my mom and dad, who are welcoming us in South Fork. Hugs, kisses, a few tears and a good feeling. The next week we will park our loyal Santos bicycles in a shed at Ute Bluff Lodge and Campground with the most friendly owners and we will hit the road by car!

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GDMBR: from Pie Town to Del Norte – searching for water

As we cycle into Pie Town (sounds a lot bigger than it actually is with just 60 souls) we run into Chris and Alex again; father and son bikepacking the Great Divide. They are just about to leave the famous Toaster House and Chris shows us around. We pick ourselves a room, drop all our stuff and run to the nearest pie restaurant, which was about to close. Lucky us, we are able to treat ourselves to a 8 dollar (!!) a piece blueberry pie. I guess you have to be here to really appreciate it…

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Finding our way through mainland Mexico

Our new beasts on two wheels had a good spin on the flat and straight roads from Merida to Campeche, but it was time to hit the mountains again. Away from the heat and finding cool air and a different landscape. But, before we’d be puffing and sweating our way 3000 meter up, we’d stopped to visit mysterious Palenque.

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Belize: in and out!

Probably one of the most expensive countries so far! We found out on the first day, when I entered a supermarket for a cool drink to make our suffering in this blistering heat a bit more bearable: 3 EUR for a can of Coke! We knew one thing for sure: let’s get the hell out of here and keep on cycling towards our big surprise..!

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Tikal: hidden Maya complex

Yesterday we received a Facebook message from fellow cyclists Joanna and David (an Australian-German couple); they just arrived in Santa Elena (across the bridge from Flores) and would love to meet us! We have a date for a morning coffee on our way to the Maya ruins of Tikal, but we got along so well, we chatted the whole morning away! And just as we finally say our goodbyes…

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