So, this is what we carry around on our current world tour across the Americas. If you have any comments or want to know more about why we carry this load (and the massive amount of camera gear!!!), please do not hesitate to leave a comment!
For normal 3-4 week tours we travel a lot lighter!

Packlist for long distance cycling
This is what we took on our long distance ride, Elmar carries more than I do. I don’t have that huge rackpack 😉
Extensive packlist for long distance bicycle touring

Front pannier Elmar 1
Elmar’s Front Pannier 1

Front pannier 2 Elmar
Elmar’s Front Pannier 2

Rear pannier Elmar 1
Elmar’s Rear Pannier 1

Rear pannier 2 Elmar
Elmar’s Rear Pannier 2

Elmar’s Top case
Elmar’s Top Case

Clothes Elmar is wearing
Elmar’s clothes for mild-cold temperatures

Ellen’s Front pannier 1
Ellen’s front pannier 1

Ellen’s front pannier 2
Ellen’s front pannier 2

Ellen’s rear pannier 1
Ellen’s rear pannier 1

Ellen’s rear pannier 2
Some fixed camera lenses were replaced by a zoom lens…
Ellen’s rear pannier 2

Ellen’s Top Case
The spare tyre we send home after a couple of months
Ellen’s Top Case

On the bikes
On the bikes
Dear Elmar and Ellen ,
It’s an inspiring journey you make and a good website! One great adventure! Now I have a question about your view about panniers. Front Bags are of course necessary if you ‘re on the road as long as you, but my ambition is to make cyclingtrips lasting only about a week to two weeks. In my view for this goal two backup rollers and a rack pack are sufficient, especially since I don’t carry an extensive photographic set or something like that. (Sorry to read about the qualitie-issues of Vaude panniers because the 52ltr. volume really is an advantage) What strikes me is that you do not use handlebar bags (anymore). It seems to me especially useful for small stuff like a snack or a phone. What is your reason not to use a handlebar bag?
Thanks Marco for your comment!
For short trips you can easily get away with two rear panniers and a rack pack, especially if you don’t carry that much photo equipment and probably a smaller sleeping bag, cloths for one weather type and less spare parts, etc.
In the past we used handlebar bags and I agree, they are really handy. The thing is, it impacts your steering; you can easily say that 2kg in your handlebar bag has the same influence on your steering as 2 front panniers of 6 kg (3 each). I admit, I miss the handlebar bag sometimes for quick grabs, such as toilet paper, snack, phone and a wallet, but then again.. it only takes one second more to grab it from the rear pannier. So, I’m ok with it and don’t think I will have one in the future. 😉
Good luck with your choice!
Elmar & Ellen
Hallo Ellen en Elmar,
Graag had ik jullie mening,ervaring over de reistassen gekend.
Zijn zij evenwaardig als hun Duitse soortgenoot (de standaard)?
Het is leuk om jullie reisimpressie te volgen.
Ik ben benieuwd naar het verslag van de fiets.
Enyou the trip and travel safe
Hi Patrick, wij hebben helaas veel problemen gehad met de tassen: scheurende achterplaten en los springende ophanghaken. Nu weet ik niet hoe goed de Ortliebs vandaag de dag zijn, dus vergelijken kunnen we helaas niet. We zijn nu met de derde set bezig en die lijkt het vooralsnog goed te doen, hopelijk zijn ze verbeterd. 😉
Leuk dat je ons volgt, we zullen snel onze impressies van de Pinion bekend maken!
Grtz, Elmar & Ellen
Hoi Ellen en Elmar,
Mooie nieuwe website. Jammer dat de pagina met reparatie onderdelen en gereedschap er niet meer op staat (of ik deze niet meer kan vinden).
Hi Wilchard,
Is nu inderdaad wat meer verstopt, ik zal de link hier in de tekst er ook bijvoegen, maar hier kun je het artikel vinden:
Gr. Ellen
Dank je wel. Nogmaals: prachtige website (superfoto’s) en we gebruiken met name deze pagina erg vaak!
Hi, tremendous respect for you both. I am on the cusp of doing the same after many short trips. I admire your choice of gear, quality is clearly the watchword there. I have similar gear and bike. One thing i can’t find but note in the gear list photo is reusable plastic food bags of a size able to take 500g or 1kg. I have tried ziplock freezer bags of all description. What are your foodbags please ?
Hi Frank, thanks for your message. We use Ortlieb document bags as foodbags. Or zipock freezer bags, but they don’t last as long.
Good luck on your trip, enjoy!
Great info, thank you for taking the time.
what touring bicycle with 18 gear Pinion Gear box do you like ??????
What are your top 3 brands and models ?
I am 70+ years old in NEVADA USA what to tour OFF ROAD
with wide tires and racks for cargo
Love your Web SITE Josh in NV where the wild horses run FREE
Hi Josh, well, here are three great Pinion bikes:
* Santos Travelmaster 3+ Pinion (also available with Rohloff hub)
* Avaghon X29 Pinion (also available with Rohloff hub)
* Idworx oPinion (or the BLT for more offroad work)
I don’t know if they are available in the USA, you might need to take a trip to The Netherlands (Bike4travel) 😉
Thanks! And good luck finding your dream bike!